APPLICATION DATASHEET PERSONALIZATION 31 MILITARY PLATES Material Indoor Outdoor Laser Rotary Composition Adhesive backing Price Main asset DuraBlack® Engraving only - Metal $$$ Resist to harsh environment GravoxalTM Engraving only Metal Option $$$ Different colors and thicknesses available Note 1 : DuraBlack® resists to harsh envt: UV, abrasion, high temperatures, salt spray and chemical exposure. It meets several government, industrial and military specifications* Note 2 : Cut-to-size service available for on-demand sized tags *MIL-STD 130N, A-A-50271, MIL-STD-15024F, Type L, MIL-STD-810G for withstanding 96 hours of exposure to corrosive chemicals, ASTM B117 30 days exposure to salt fog. Back to personalization