Gravotech Engraving Source Book V6.2 - EN-SG

GRAVOPLY™ LASER Flexibility and performance for indoor and outdoor applications AVAILABLE SHEET SIZES 610 x 610 mm 24 x 24’’ 610 x 305 mm 24 x 12’’ 1220 x 610 mm 48 x 24’’ MATERIAL CAPABILITIES -40°C -40°F 80°C 176°F Shear Saw Silkscreen Hot stamping Flexible Scratch resistant Break resistant UV Resistant Heat bending resistant • Cost effective: one product, one stock, many applications. APPLICATIONS Outdoor signage Small labels and plates Industrial signage Architectural signage Watch our videos ! • The most versatile plastic material: indoor and outdoor, laser and rotary engraving and cutting. • Microthin surface layer for detailed engraving. Surface colour Core colour Thickness 0.8 mm (1/32’’) 1.3 mm (0.050’’) 1.6 mm (1/16’’) 3.2 mm (1/8’’) white red 51006 70005 white blue 51011 white black 51017 49971 69991 93128 yellow red 51007 70006 yellow blue 51012 yellow black 51018 49973 69992 93131 orange white 51035 51005 80767 orange black 51020 51001 80768 red white 51034 49988 69995 93127 red yellow 51009 burgundy white 51043 49997 70004 burgundy gold 51016 purple white 67005 67006 80771 apple green white 51042 49996 70003 pine green white 51039 49995 70002 sky blue white 51037 49990 69997 sky blue black 51021 49979 69993 blue white 51036 49989 69996 93132 blue yellow 51010 air force blue white 51038 49991 69998 brown white 51044 49993 70000 grey white 51046 49992 69999 grey black 51023 49974 80774 black white 51033 49987 69994 93130 black yellow 51008 black gold 51014 LASER MATERIALS 18 Surface finish: matte Acrylic Engraving depth 0.1 mm (.004’’ ) MATERIAL SPECIFICITIES Sheet sizes may vary slightly. Printed colours for indication only. Cannot serve as a substitute for real material sample.